Monthly Bumble Sponsorship image

Monthly Bumble Sponsorship

For only $19 a month you can make a difference!

$190 raised

$5,000 goal


/ 150


Meet Bumble! He may be small, but what he lacks in size he makes up for in personality and compassion.

Bumble is our only horse on the property that is not a rescue. He was donated by a woman, whose grandchildren were not riding and she didn't want him just sitting.

Full of personality is an understatement for potty trained Miniature Shetland Pony. When we got him, every time you turned around he would bite you in the butt. If you tried leading him, he would dig in his heels and rear or buck.

From what he was to what he is, you would think we replaced him.

Bumble loves to work! He visits nursing homes and he lets us know when someone needs extra time with him and is as patient as can be. He knows the word wheel chair and will sidestep to make sure his hooves are far from their feet when he is leaning in closer. He has this amazing ability to stand so perfectly still, that multiple times people have thought we brought a large stuffed animal.

He loves to attend special needs events and has this incredible understanding that sometimes loud noises and rough hands are meant with pure love and he allows each child with a disability to greet in the way they know how or their body allows.

We love promoting reading! We go into schools and kids practice their reading skills to Bumble. He loves listening as they sound out words and grow in their confidence.